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Manhunt Over Gruesome Murder of 2 Tourists On Popular Island
#1 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 15-09-2014 10:11
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Tilmeldt: 19.12.11
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SURAT THANI — Police have closed down all piers on the island of Koh Tao in an effort to entrap a suspect behind the brutal murder of two foreign tourists on the island.

Police say two Caucasian tourists, a man and a woman, were found dead near Hat Sai Ri Beach on the island this morning. The female tourist was naked and "slashed" to death, police say, while the male tourist was killed with a "cutting wound" on the back of his neck.

The two bodies were found 20 metres apart from each other, and approximately 100 metres away from the nearest bar on the beach. A bloody hoe was also found in the area, leading police to suspect that it was used in the gruesome murders.

Witnesses said they saw the two tourists, believed to be a couple, drinking and dancing with other party-goers on the beach the previous night. The pair then left the party, presumably to take a stroll, according to witnesses.

Police believe the suspect may have attempted to sexually assault the female victim before she was killed.

Koh Tao is a popular tourist destination in the Gulf of Thailand near Koh Pha Ngan island, the site of the famous Full Moon Party.

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#2 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 15-09-2014 10:32
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Tilmeldt: 19.12.11
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Details are still emerging but it's known that the bodies of a young British woman and an Irish man were found early today on a beach at Koh Tao, a small island near the full moon party destination of Koh Pangan, in the Gulf of Thailand.
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#3 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 16-09-2014 05:13
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Tilmeldt: 20.02.09
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Politiet har anholdt tre de var i besiddelse af kvindes telefon

deres tøj var indsmurt i blod, tøjet bliver nu undersøgt for dna

så mon ikke det er var de tre

vi venter på flere venter på flere detaljer
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#4 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 16-09-2014 07:58
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Tilmeldt: 20.02.09
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Surat police detain three Myanmar workers for questioning in connection with Britons murder

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#5 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 16-09-2014 11:10
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Tilmeldt: 23.10.09
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en lille video med de tre anholdte

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#6 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 17-09-2014 02:52
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Tilmeldt: 23.10.09
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Myanmar suspects released

POLICE LAST NIGHT ruled out three Myanmar workers being involved in the murder of two British tourists, as the government appeared to call into question the "behaviour" of the victims themselves.

The bodies of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller, both 24, arrived in Bangkok late yesterday for forensic examination.

The victims were found naked and beaten to death early on Monday near a beachside bungalow on Koh Tao, a popular diving spot near Koh Pha-ngan. A bloodied hoe was discovered 35 metres from the murder scene.

Three male Myanmar workers were held for questioning, but ruled out of the investigation yesterday afternoon, southern regional police commander Panya Mamen told AFP.

"They were very far from the scene ... it was probably not them," he said, adding that DNA samples had been collected from the men. However, he did not give details of any further leads as the manhunt on the small, normally tranquil island stretched into a second day without an arrest.

Police have also cleared a number of British tourists who travelled with the victims of being involved.

Earlier yesterday, local TV news reports showed police officers searching several shacks belonging to Myanmar migrants on the island.

Yesterday, Prime Minister General Prayuth Chan-ocha said "We have to look into the behaviour of the other party too, because this kind of incident should not happen to anybody and it has affected our image," he told reporters, adding the authorities were working "swiftly" to find the killers.

Koh Tao, home to stunning white sand beaches and azure waters, is popular with divers but is smaller and more laid-back than neighbouring Koh Phangan—which draws hordes of backpackers to its hedonistic "full moon" party.

Later Prayuth said local people must tell "tourists when the safe times are to be outside, we have to help them understand".

Police had earlier said the pair had been seen partying at a local bar just hours before they died.

Police sources said police had found a pair of blood-stained jeans and four iPhones - two of which had screens that were cracked - in a search of nine rooms occupied by six migrants yesterday.

The country is desperate to avoid further damage to the nation's lucrative tourism industry, which has been battered in recent months after a prolonged political crisis ended in a coup.

The army swiftly blanketed the country with a curfew and strict martial law, frightening off visitors.

Britain says Thailand is the country where its citizens are second most likely to require consular assistance if they visit, behind the Philippines.

There were 389 deaths of British nationals in Thailand in the year to March 2013 -- about one for every 2,400 British visitors or residents—although that figure includes natural causes.

But it is rare for tourists to be murdered in Thailand, although it is not uncommon for visitors to die accidentally.

Deputy national police chief Pol Gen Somyot Poompanmueng earlier said the suspect is seen in the footage walking around the scene of the murders, on Chor Por Ror beach.

Somyot said it was assumed that the killer or killers would be local residents or migrant workers, as they would know where to acquire the murder weapon - a hoe.

He said Prayuth Chan-ocha had phoned him to directly instruct him to identify and arrest those responsible as a matter of utmost urgency.

Prayuth spoke to reporters at Government House, acknowledging that the murders had affected Thailand and its public image in terms of tourism, and that he would ask the police to speed up the investigation.

Meanwhile, the regional Tourism Authority office tasked with affairs in Europe, Africa and the Middle East issued a statement to the press in the United Kingdom expressing sorrow over the double-murder and condemning the violence as unacceptable, while vowing to maintain efforts to identify and arrest the killers.

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#7 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 17-09-2014 07:14
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Tilmeldt: 23.10.09
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Friends of murdered Britons asked to remain in Thailand

Police have asked friends of David Miller, one of the British tourist killed in Koh Tao, to remain in Thailand pending further investigation into his murder, Deputy Police Chief Gen Somyot Pumpunmuang said Wednesday.

Miller’s friends, whom Somyot did not identify, were at Suvarnabhumi International Airport, about to leave Thailand.

Somyot said the two of Miller's friends have been asked to remain in Thailand for 48 hours pending investigation and results of samples DNA collected from the victims’ bodies.

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#8 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 19-09-2014 11:54
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Tilmeldt: 21.12.13
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Politiets teori: Hannahs mordere voldtog hende og delte en smøg
Thailandsk politi ændrer endnu engang fokus i jagten på den eller de personer, som i sidste weekend dræbte den 23-årige Hannah Witheridge og den 24-årige David Miller på en øde strand. Nu leder man efter to mænd, som tilsyneladende delte en smøg ved gerningsstedet og efterlod deres sæd i den dræbte britiske kvinde.

Witheridge og Miller blev fundet dræbt på den lille ø Koh Tao tidligt mandag morgen, begge dræbt på bestialsk vis med store skader på ansigt og hoved.

I første omgang rettede politiets mistanke sig mod nogle gæstearbejdere. 11 personer - tilsyneladende Rohingya-flygtninge fra det muslimske mindretal i Myanmar - blev taget ind til afhøring og afgav DNA-prøver til det lokale politi.

Derefter blev to britiske brødre fra David Millers rejsegruppe (den ene boede i samme værelse som ofret), tilbageholdt i Bangkok og måtte afgive DNA-prøver.

Tirsdag og onsdag blev ligene af de to dræbte turister obduceret i Bangkok, og DNA-sammenligninger viste, at hverken de 11 gæstearbejdere på Koh Tao eller de to britiske brødre havde afsat nogle spor i nærheden af ofrene. Brødrene fik torsdag lov til at rejse hjem og steg på et fly til London.

DNA fra sæd efterladt i Hannah Witheridges krop viste sig ikke at matche David Millers DNA og aflivede dermed teorien om, at de to turister var blevet dræbt under eller efter en hyrdetime på den øde strand - noget som absolut ikke er velset i Thailand.

Til gengæld matcher de to forskellige mandlige DNA fra sæden noget DNA, der er fundet på et efterladt cigaretskod på gerningsstedet, skriver Bangkok Post. Onsdag aften bekræftede thailandsk politi da også, at de tekniske undersøgelser tilsyneladende viste, at den 23-årige Hannah Witheridge var blevet voldtaget.

Politiet leder nu efter to mænd og de mener stadig, at det er mest sandsynligt, at mændene skal findes blandt gæstearbejdere fra Myanmar, men udelukker ikke, at gerningsmændene kan være thaier eller turister, lyder det fra politichefen i Surat Thani-provinsen.

Tekniske undersøgelser har desuden vist, at der kun er blod fra Hannah Witheridge på den hakke, der blev brugt som drabsvåben af gerningsmændene. David Miller er tilsyneladende blevet dræbt med at andet, skarpt metalobjekt.

Den thailandske premierminister, General Prayuth Chan-ocha, vakte onsdag opsigt med en kontroversiel udtalelse om, at smukke kvindelige turister bringer sig selv i fare ved at antage, at det er sikkert at færdes overalt i Thailand iført bikini.

'Kan de være sikre i bikini - med mindre de er grimme?', spurgte den tidligere hærchef, som tog magten ved et kup tidligere i år.

Torsdag måtte Chan-ocha krybe til korset og undskylde: 'Jeg er ked af, at min udtalelse forårsagede ubehag, Jeg bekræfter, at jeg ikke var nedladende eller ville kritisere nogen. Jeg ville simpelthen advare dem om at være forsigtig i visse områder på visse tidspunkter, lød det fra generalen / premierministeren.

Forklaring: Militærkuppet og den politiske uro, der gik forud, har kostet Thailands turistindustri dyrt. Antallet af turister ligger to millioner under sidste års - en tilbagegang på over 10 procent i en industri, som står for 10 procent af landets bruttonationalprodukt.

Et sundt sexualliv værner imod sportslivets fristelser.
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#9 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 21-09-2014 07:52
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det ser lidt mærkeligt ud de kontrollere alle ikke thaier, hvem siger at det ikke er en eller to af de lokale thaier der er gerningsmændene

British tourists murder suspects are Asian -Thai police

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#10 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 21-09-2014 15:05
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Tilmeldt: 28.05.11
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Rygter rygter lad os nu se hvad der sker

Thai media reporting cops have arrested a 23 year old drug addict suspected of killing the two British backpackers. He was hiding in a cave.
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#11 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 22-09-2014 03:01
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DNA samples to be sought of all Koh Tao residents
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#12 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 22-09-2014 08:22
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Tilmeldt: 21.12.13
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Lokale fiskere i søgelyset efter turistdrab i Thailand

DNA-fund peger på, at asiatiske mænd står bag det blodige dobbeltdrab på ferieøen Koh Tao i Thailand


Et sundt sexualliv værner imod sportslivets fristelser.
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#13 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 22-09-2014 14:11
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Tilmeldt: 19.12.11
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Scottish man goes into hiding on Thai island after claiming he knows who killed backpackers David Miller and Hannah Witheridge

SEAN McANNA, originally from Glasgow, posted messages on Facebook last night claiming his life was in danger because he knows who killed backpackers David and Hannah a week ago.

He posted: “Thai mafia are trying to kill me. Please help me.” A few minutes later he accused a local bar owner of being responsible.

“He said the island is run by the Thai mafia and he knew the identities of the killer.

“He was frightened for his life and felt he needed help from anyone he could and social media was his best option.

“His mum and sister contacted Scottish and Thai police and he is now safe.

“He will be leaving as soon as he can. We don’t have anymore information at the moment.”


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#14 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 23-09-2014 07:38
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Faces of killers?

Scottish tourist 'can ID killers'

read here
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#15 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 23-09-2014 11:28
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Tilmeldt: 23.10.09
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Hvorfor tager det så lang tid at opklare en sag svaret er: AT borgmesterens bror er blandt de mistænkte

Arrests expected today in Koh Tao murders Brother of island's village chief among suspects

Police say they have identified all the suspects and are linking them to the evidence on hand, he said. "Please have confidence in our work. There will be no scapegoats," Lt Gen Panya said said. "The case is being closely watched worldwide and we're working hard to make the case as airtight as possible."

Suspect in Koh Tao murders taken for questioning

Police have taken into custody for questioning a man who they believe was involved in the murders of two British backpackers on Koh Tao off Surat Thani province last week.

The man is a younger brother of an influential person on the island and believed to be the man seen on a security camera near the crime scene.

Pol Lt Gen Punya Mamen, chief investigator for the murders, said on Tuesday that another man suspected of being among the attackers had already fled Koh Tao and was believed to be hiding in Bangkok.

Punya refused to reveal the name of the suspect, saying that police are questioning the man and that the police expected to arrest another man in Bangkok today.

Today was the ninth day since David Miller and Hannah Witheridge, both British, were brutally killed on the island. Both suffered head wounds and police said Witheridge was sexually assaulted.

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#16 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 24-09-2014 03:44
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Tilmeldt: 23.10.09
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Dette turistfoto kan afsløre dobbeltmordere
Turist på thailandsk ferieø kan have fotograferet gerningsmændene til brutalt drab

Ifølge Bangkok Post har politiet tidligere afhørt de to mænd, der begge nægtede alt og samtidig afviste at afgive dna-prøve.

- Jeg er overbevist om, at de to mænd snart vil blive anholdt, siger den nationale vicepolitidirektør Somyot Pumpanmuang.

Politichef i Surat Thani, Kiattipong Khaosam, har tidligere oplyst, at de to mænd blev set 15. september til fods i retning mod Jor Por Ror – samme rute, som Miller og Witheridge var gået, inden de blev fundet dræbt.

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#17 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 24-09-2014 08:52
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hvem har gjordt hvad den sag er og bliver rodet tegningen illustrerer godt hvordan der efterforskes , sørgeligt,,,,,,6KodskH.jpg
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#18 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 30-09-2014 04:13
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Voldtaget af to før drab på ferieø
Thailands politi forsikrer, at turistmordene på Koh Tao vil blive opklaret

Nye grusomme detaljer er nu kommet frem om drabet på to britiske rygsækturister på den thailandske ferieø Koh Tao.

Læs videre her

Et sundt sexualliv værner imod sportslivets fristelser.
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#19 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 30-09-2014 04:26
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Tilmeldt: 23.10.09
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Police investigators have released photographs and video footage of an unidentified man they believe could be a key to resolving the Koh Tao double-murder case and are asking the public to identify him....


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#20 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 02-10-2014 13:43
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Tilmeldt: 20.02.09
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Tilstår turist-drab i Thailand
En burmesisk mand har tilstået drabene på britiske David Miller og Hannah Witheridge, oplyser politiet

Thailandsk politi mener nu at have fanget manden, som 15. september myrdede to engelske backpackere på ferie-øen Koh Tao.

Der kan dog stadig være medgerningsmænd på fri fod, idet den myrdede kvinde blev voldtaget af to mænd ifølge politiet.

23-årige Hannah Witheridge og 24-årige David Miller blev brutalt slået ihjel med en hakke, da de sammen var på vej hjem fra en våd aften ude. De kendte ikke hinanden inden den skæbnesvangre aften.

Deres delvist afklædte lig blev senere fundet på en strand.

Tre burmesiske arbejdere er blevet tilbageholdt i forbindelse med drabet, og nu har den ene erkendt sin skyld over for politiet, skriver Sky News.

Politiet har endnu ikke sigtet ham, da man venter på svar på nogle DNA-prøver, som endegyldigt skal fastslå hans skyld.

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