Antal indlæg: 3400 Tilmeldt: 03.07.09 Status: Offline
Beauty queen now monk
Miss Tiffany winner Sorrawee 'Jazz' Nattee has entered the monkhood in Songkhla. The monk's family says he never had transgender surgery.
The winner of the Miss Tiffany Universe 2009 contest, Sorrawee "Jazz" Nattee, entered the monkhood on Sunday at a temple in the southern province of Songkhla, it was reported on Monday.
According to the family of the transsexual beauty pageant winner, Jazz had breast implants but never had transgender surgery. The silicon implants had since been removed.
"I want to be a monk for the rest of my life and I'm ready to leave my worldly possessions behind," Jazz said after becoming a monk at Wat Liab in his home province.
"It's not that I've become a monk to run away from problems, but I've studied dharma for two years and now know what it truly is."
The monk said he took part in the transsexual beauty contest four years ago because his parents urged him to.
The former Miss Tiffany went through the ordination phra phut ceremony last month, the report said.
The abbot of Wat Liab said Jazz did not conceal the fact that he participated in the Miss Tiffany beauty contest.
In Thailand, only males can become Buddhist monks.
Antal indlæg: 3631 Tilmeldt: 20.02.09 Status: Offline
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